Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
The Power of Memories
Time flies so fast these days. Right at this time, we might still be on the middle part of the year. Do not blink though because you might not know it that the Holidays are fast approaching again. Christmas is fast approaching, and as each day of the week passes, more and more family feel the Holiday spirit around them. There are still a few months to go before Santa Claus spreads his unique brand of love and affection, but kids have been anticipating his yearly visit for the full year already. Even adults are already feeling the rush of Christmas. They are coming into malls and department stores in droves, looking for the best ideas for this year’s gifts. Thankfully, you do not need to be caught in the middle of the hype and the chaos; all the Christmas gift ideas you will ever need are right here. Keep reading to learn more about them.
The best Christmas gifts are the ones that will bring the greatest memories when they are used. You can give your child his very first guitar or his very first tennis set. For your partner, you can give him or her tickets to his or her dream vacation, with you of course!
For your parents, there is no better gift for them than your presence on that very special day. Take away all the material things for the reason that a parent’s heart longs for nothing other than to be with his children. Christmas was the time the child Jesus was born. Be the child that you have always been, and spend Christmas with your parents who love you most in this world.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
why we love collectibles.

Collectibles: Why We Love Them
The importance of collectibles is not always determined merely by their costs; the values and interests of the
collector is also essential. Everybody is a collector, although some do not know it. The beauty of collecting
lies in the collection's meaning to its owner and viewers, and is not limited to valuable, rare artwork or
antiques. "Collectibles", are defined as things which are worth collecting, according to the English
dictionary. Collectibles are usually mistaken for highly expensive items such as, paintings, sculptures, and
statues. In fact you do not have to have a lot of money to have collectibles that are worth appreciating.
Although our interests and tastes develop over time, we collect things that we appreciate in some fashion or
find rare, regardless of our age. As kids these collectibles may be coins, stamps or currency notes, and get
more sophisticated as we grow older. If you're still unsure as to what actually makes a "collectible", then
the following sentences will clear things up for you. There are many things that are considered a
"collectible", even a "soda machine" is worthy of collecting. Also, things such as vintage coffee makers,
cigar boxes, old wines, smoking pipes, etc. can be referred to as "collectibles". As odd as it may sound to
you, some collectors would consider a "Pepsi" soda machine to be worth adding to their collection. When
adding to your collection, look to the fields of finance, farming, automobiles, the arts, entertainment,
glassware, dinnerware, silverware, shells, old photographs, vintage Christmas ornaments, jewelry, home
furnishings, etc. So, where can you find worthy collectibles? Never fear - you have the power of the Internet
at your fingertips. There is an endless supply of web sites that sell these commodities. Simply use a search
engine to find the specific piece you desire for your collection. You will receive several results which will
direct you to web sites that specialize in the items you are interested in collecting. When you have company
visiting your home or apartment, they will see your wonderful collection and surely give you compliments
on your artistic talents and choices!
About the Author: features thousands of soda pop collectibles. Browse
hundreds of Coke, Pepsi and other soda pop memorabilia of every size, shape, and type.
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Thursday, June 4, 2009
African Home Decor Review: Increasing Popularity of African

African Home Decor Review: Increasing Popularity of African
African home decor comes from a melting pot or tossed salad of social reflections. Both ancient and modern
decor combine to make African home decor one of the fastest growing influences in interior home design.
Confident and stylish is what people feel about the owner when walking into a creativity arranged African
decor influenced room. From the front door to the backyard, more people continue to seek the exotic mood
and feel African decor can bring to any room or home.
Whether you long for the exotic feel of walking barefoot on a colorful hand-crafted Moroccan rug or gazing
on a hand-carved wooden Massai warrior.
African decor can fit any homes decor. From simple and rustic, to the exotic and majestic, African decor
can adapt to any look or mood you want to bring to a room. For example, you can add a fresh, cozy, and
warm feeling to any room by adding bamboo mini blinds.
African decor enjoys the high reputation of incorporating a mix of styles, colors, and textures that give any
room a solid contemporary ambience.
If you live in a small home or apartment, African decor allows you to divide connected rooms by using the
myriad of contrasting colors, textures and materials available.
An extensive range of earth tones from brown to off-white adds to the comfortable, warm feeling African
decor brings to a rooms atmosphere .
Unique hand-carved African artifacts is at the heart of the African home decor resurgence. In a time of mass
produced one size fits all products, more people crave the natural hand mad qualities African decor brings
to a room.
These exotic objects, hand-made by various African tribes, help add a sense of adventure and intrigue to any
room. There's just something especially appealing and unique about a piece that's hand made.
No mass produced home decor piece can approach the quality or feeling an African decor piece brings to a
room. In addition colored rugs, hand-made floor cushions and pillows can also add a cozy and refreshing
atmosphere to an otherwise cold, impersonal room.
The average homeowner can literally create an oasis in their home away from the hectic outside world by
using African decor elements.
The colors, textures, designs and materials can add to the comfort of any room or your entire home. African
- 1 -
decor also blends well with western furnishings, adding interest and uniqueness to a room or boring space.
African decor can act as a striking vocal point or you can use an African decor element as an enhancement
to a rooms other decor. Remember, when decorating with African decor a little can go a long way.
Your decor shouldn't dominate a room, but enhance it. African decor should blend naturally into a space
and not scream, stomp or overwhelm for attention.
This is an important detail of using African decor effectively. As consumers continue to demand value,
uniqueness and a sense of adventure, African decor will continue to grow.
Contemporary designers continue to explore African decor for ideas and inspiration.
About the Author: Roy Primm is publisher of Black Homeowner News, the largest source of information
on the internet. To discover more African decor interior design ideas go to: African Decor Ideas
This article was printed from:
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Home Decor: Should You Use Orange or Jasmine Scented Candles?

Home Decor: Should You Use Orange or Jasmine Scented Candles?
The sense of smell is often overlooked in home decorating, but scented candles and use of aromas can be very powerful tools in creating the right effect for a room. Aromatherapy is defined at as: the use of fragrances to affect or alter a person's mood or behavior. Below you'll discover some specific scents and fragrances that you can use while decorating your home that can potentially impact your own and your visitors' moods. Don't think this is just a strange "new age" thing that's not relevant or important for you. It might be more important and powerful than you think. People can remember smells for years- indeed, when a whiff of an old perfume wafts by, memories and emotions (hopefully good ones) may come crashing back! The aroma of fresh bread baking, apple pie, even that of a rose, can interrupt the most harried person, and give them a momentary break in their hectic day.
One of the most compelling aspects of smell is that it almost can't be ignored. It entices you at an almost subconscious level. People can get accustomed to various sights and sounds, but it is almost impossible to ignore or tune out a scent. It has also been demonstrated that the pleasure we get from eating is in large part due to the aroma of the food. Food aroma and taste are very intertwined.
Marketers use scents in promoting all kinds of everyday items. Perfumes and other additives are added to many products to help encourage you to buy one product rather than another. Home sellers are encouraged to have the aroma of fresh bread or cinnamon rolls lingering about or to use scented candles with orange or lavender to help prospective buyers feel calmer and more relaxed. Scent lets you try out or enjoy something without diminishing it for the next customer too. For example, smelling the bottle of shampoo does not make it any less effective for the next person, and smelling the fresh cinnamon rolls does not break your diet.
You can create the right atmosphere in your home decor projects by carefully selecting the scents and choosing specific aromas that tend to evoke desired effects on emotions. One tremendous advantage of using scent as a home decorating strategy- it's much easier to change out scented candles than to repaint the room, and much more economical too!
Over the thousands of years that incense and oils have been used, certain scents have been used to help with our emotions. The following is a small sample of these and may help provide you with some ideas to try when experimenting with use of scents in your home decorating plans.
To Ease: Anger and Aggression Try: Lemon, Bergamot, Chamomile, Jasmine
To Ease: Anxiety Try: Vanilla, Lavender, Orange, Patchouli, Sandalwood
To Ease: Fear Try: Cedar, Ginger, Patchouli
To Ease: Hysteria Try: Chamomile, Lavender, Jasmine
To Ease: Emotional Fatigue Try: Cinnamon, Jasmine, Orange, Peppermint, Eucalyptus
To Ease: Physical Fatigue Try: Basil, Lemon, Lavender, Orange, Peppermint
To Ease: Nervousness Try: Chamomile, Coriander, Orange
To Ease: Sadness Try: Jasmine, Rose
To Ease: Stress Try: Cedar, Geranium, Lavender, Patchouli, Rose
To Ease: Tension Try: Chamomile, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Orange, Rose
Once you have found a few scents that you like and that work out for you, you have several choices as to how you'll get the aroma into the air. A very important factor in this regard is that you need to control the aroma level - too much, too fast can be overpowering and ruin the effect. On the other hand, if the scent is too weak, because, for example, there is too much breeze, the scent can be un-noticeable.
Commercial air fresheners are available with various scent combinations, and are inexpensive and readily available. However, they generally don't add much to a room's appearance, and they are also not as potent typically.
Scented candles are convenient and can provide soothing lighting effects as well. These are available in a wide range of sizes, shapes, colors, and scents to fit in with the visual decor of your room. These work on the idea of evaporating the essential oils (where the scent is located) into the air as each scented candle burns.
Incense is generally burned and incense can change the scent in a room quite quickly. Incense is also fairly inexpensive. However, because it is burned, the selection of aromas is different. Since the incense is often glued onto a wooden stick, you will need some sort of incense holder that not only will hold the incense, but also catch the ashes.
Another option for dispersing scent is using oil burners or diffusers. These work by letting the essential oils evaporate. Some work just by letting the oil evaporate, or by placing the oil in a clay ring around a light bulb. The light bulb then provides a small amount of heat that evaporates the oil. Other oils can be heated in an oil burner. As a general rule, the hotter the oil, the faster it will evaporate, and the stronger the scent will be. However, remember the idea is to evaporate the oil, not to burn it.
Hopefully you now have some ideas on how you can get started on including the sense of smell with scents and aromatherapy in your home decor projects. Choosing the right scented candles or incense aromas will give your home decorating project that extra element of surprise that you might really benefit from, resulting in greater comfort for you and your guests. So, did you figure out if orange or jasmine scented candles will be the best fit for you yet? Well, refer to the above list, or just try them out on your unsuspecting friends to try to figure it out. Anyway, it's easy, it's inexpensive, and you can have fun experimenting!
Copyright Liz Hekimian-Williams
About the Author: Liz Hekimian-Williams is founder of Giftsprings Home Decor and Personalized Gifts and writes about home decorating and family issues. Subscribe to the Giftsprings email list and you'll get a free e-cookbook, free discount coupon code, and special alerts to some of their best sale deals. Giftsprings features home decor and personalized gifts, such as personalized wind chimes and novelty scented candles.
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Monday, March 30, 2009
Yes these secrets helped me relax And They Will Work for YOU Too-home and garden décor.

Secrets to save and relax
Chamomile: One of the oldest herbs and special favorite amongst herbalists. The entire plant is odoriferous but the medicinal value lies mostly in the flower heads, where the volatile oil is an important element. It is used internally in the for of an infusion, you can boil water, allow to step for 15 or 20 minutes, cover the container to prevent the escape of the active volatile ingredients. it can be regularly in doses from a tablespoon to a cup. It is excellent for all nervous conditions as it has the capacity to calm, inducing sleep and preventing nightmares. This tisane also relives indigestion, pains in the stomach and in particular menstrual cramps, it is said to help kidney, spleen and bladder trouble. Steep the gauze wrapped flowers in boiling water before apply, to help inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctivitis and skin infections, it also relive hemorrhoids and rheumatic pains.
Chamomile: Calms and relaxes the nervous system.
Jasmine: very, very feminine,
Lavender: Calms emotions can help to facilitate deep sleep.
Rose: promotes love of self and others.
Rosemary: simulates the body and activates mental and emotional clarity.
Relaxing bath.
Add rose petals, remove the petal from the flowers and scatter them on the surface of the water, submerge yourself and fell completely pampered, mentally picture yourself releasing any tension or worries in you life, this exercise is helpful, light candles throughout the bathroom, this is to create the proper ambient, make sure is in a safe place. Candle and incenses don’t just produce fragrance, they create an entire ambience.
Thousands Now decor Who Never Thought They Could
Chamomile: One of the oldest herbs and special favorite amongst herbalists. The entire plant is odoriferous but the medicinal value lies mostly in the flower heads, where the volatile oil is an important element. It is used internally in the for of an infusion, you can boil water, allow to step for 15 or 20 minutes, cover the container to prevent the escape of the active volatile ingredients. it can be regularly in doses from a tablespoon to a cup. It is excellent for all nervous conditions as it has the capacity to calm, inducing sleep and preventing nightmares. This tisane also relives indigestion, pains in the stomach and in particular menstrual cramps, it is said to help kidney, spleen and bladder trouble. Steep the gauze wrapped flowers in boiling water before apply, to help inflammation of the eyelids, conjunctivitis and skin infections, it also relive hemorrhoids and rheumatic pains.
Chamomile: Calms and relaxes the nervous system.
Jasmine: very, very feminine,
Lavender: Calms emotions can help to facilitate deep sleep.
Rose: promotes love of self and others.
Rosemary: simulates the body and activates mental and emotional clarity.
Relaxing bath.
Add rose petals, remove the petal from the flowers and scatter them on the surface of the water, submerge yourself and fell completely pampered, mentally picture yourself releasing any tension or worries in you life, this exercise is helpful, light candles throughout the bathroom, this is to create the proper ambient, make sure is in a safe place. Candle and incenses don’t just produce fragrance, they create an entire ambience.
Thousands Now decor Who Never Thought They Could
bath and body,
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Friday, March 13, 2009
Gift ideas fo home decor.
Gift ideas for home decor.
Decorating is individual and often eclectic, combining the best of styles, periods, patterns and art to create personal, inviting homes. Although space, style, budget, color, and furnishings all play a role, decorating is about expressing yourself and living with what you love.

Shades of difference.
Whether you freshen a dated lamp or purchase a new one, take advantage of the wonderfully creative shapes, materials, colors, and trims of lampshades. For the best results when you change shades, make sure the shade is in proportion and scale to the lamp. The decorative top of the base should be visible: the light bulb and its housing should not.

Because like most people, I like a dream of how I want my home to look. My vision is of a tasteful, timeless home, neither too cluttered nor too sterile. Pretty but not pretentious. Distinctive yet humble. Picture reflecting those who live inside, taken, of course, in the most flattering light. I want a haven that welcome me when I come in from the war- torn world, a refuge that says come in, relax. And okay, as long as I’m being honest, I want a house that’s nicer than the neighbor’s
Vibrant colors and splendid scents create an uplifting aura of pure joy; sleek shapes and subtle hues lend understated elegant and tranquility to you favorite room. Indulge your senses and delight your spirit by shining a little light into your life!
When you take on your first home, you’re bound to get excited by things like color schemes and furnishings. Before you reach this stage, though, it’s important to evaluate your property in its original, empty state to see if you can improve the basic.
The magic of the color
For many people, the prospect of using color freely and boldly is too intimidating to contemplate, yet color is not only the most dynamic element in any design scheme, it is also one of the cheapest to use and the easiest to change if you’re not happy with the result. One you discover the seductive power of color and the thrilling possibilities it opens up, you’ll never look back. with sweep of a paintbrush, color can alter the entire personality of you rooms, change apparent shapes and sizes, and transform a collection of seemingly disparate architectural features and furnishing items a sleek, cohesive style statement. Certain shades, too, have complex psychological associations that may subliminally influence your perception of temperature and can even affect your mood.
Vibrant colors and splendid scents create an uplifting aura of pure joy; sleek shapes and subtle hues lend understated elegant and tranquility to you favorite room. Indulge your senses and delight your spirit by shining a little light into your life!
Shades of difference.
Whether you freshen a dated lamp or purchase a new one, take advantage of the wonderfully creative shapes, materials, colors, and trims of lampshades. For the best results when you change shades, make sure the shade is in proportion and scale to the lamp. The decorative top of the base should be visible: the light bulb and its housing should not.
Importance of colors in humans.
At some time in our life we feel depressed because we have little money and live in a house or an office where we work and we should be every day and want to decorate or make changes and everything is very expensive and earn little money, in my case is well, I remember when I lived in my country was very poor but it was only my ideas and my dreams of how to put my room where I lived a little more comfortable and did not matter as the bed or table or what I will do everything looked like and very depressing, being locked up every day at the same location, the decor of the room was the same every day for over 10 years was very depressing, but I sort of gave me a book where it was colored what it meant and I understood each color, living in poverty and the colors that I had my room was very depressing and I understood that color combination is very important to our life, not just a box with a photo, or a base with a floor very much about the combination of colors in your house so you can more or less happy or depressed in your life, has nothing to do with stress you live in also has to do with the colors of your home and tranquility relaxation.
At some time in our life we feel depressed because we have little money and live in a house or an office where we work and we should be every day and want to decorate or make changes and everything is very expensive and earn little money, in my case is well, I remember when I lived in my country was very poor but it was only my ideas and my dreams of how to put my room where I lived a little more comfortable and did not matter as the bed or table or what I will do everything looked like and very depressing, being locked up every day at the same location, the decor of the room was the same every day for over 10 years was very depressing, but I sort of gave me a book where it was colored what it meant and I understood each color, living in poverty and the colors that I had my room was very depressing and I understood that color combination is very important to our life, not just a box with a photo, or a base with a floor very much about the combination of colors in your house so you can more or less happy or depressed in your life, has nothing to do with stress you live in also has to do with the colors of your home and tranquility relaxation.
Very interesting I recommend you rent in the public libraries have it and can ask for the book The Meaning Of The Colors and the truth is not the same as I read in my country but when I had reached the United States was very young was only 18 years and I love to read a lot and even I like but the technology changes every day and although I'm not a very studied person like me to give my opinion on everything I know so that I can help other people I do not know if this writing perhaps not very well written help other people because I talk all the time with many people and have rented and then bought them and changed his life because the best way to decorate a house, office , one quarter of a baby that just comes to life and is very very silly or weeping, or have any problems like autism, the colors are part of what the child learns first, that is the view that everything can not look because otherwise be in her crib and colors have a great influence for me was very helpful and then later explained why.
Returning to the decor without much money or big poster showing where this example a river or a beach with a palm shades of any color that you think it fits well to the color of his person after reading the book of colors and only creating the fans where you would like to go sawing eyes and imagine this, and hence the influence of the colors you can create a room or office with a relaxing atmosphere you can feel much the color of a pen or color paper you use every day the truth my life has changed so for example I short and long segments in a base and put the slices are in the garden outside my house and buy in a store 99 centavos around 3 artificial flowers and everything that come to my house to ask me nice arrangement where you buy it and you answered that long branches are cut every 15 or 20 days out of my garden and I put these 3 flowers with a little perfume in the same shop of any smell that I like and I put the artificial flowers and plants to short it out of my house a bunch ago with a base of any color do not have to be expensive single color such as red and I like the 3 slices green and white flowers and the smell of gardenia in the store for 99 cents, which is to the body but I will put flowers to my house always smells nice, looks very nice and kill two birds one stone and I have one in the room, another room and another in the dining room of the fourth green, the yellow and the dining room red and part of my decor colors me a very economical cost.
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